Monday, May 5, 2014


Oh friends, it has been a rough semester! Between health stuff, my struggle in my econ class (praying for mercy from God that I pass), work being busy, and getting my heart broken it's been a semester I'd almost like to forget. There have been high points: my surprise 30th birthday, my parent's 25 anniversary party, and a friendship that's gotten closer just when I needed a friend. :)

I'm a planner, but things have been so crazy that I haven't planned for Ireland as much as I'd like. I think, it'll turn out just fine and I'm excited to take a road trip throughout Ireland. I'm ready to immerse myself in the culture and see things I've dreamed of seeing in person. I plan to journal and take at least 1,100 pictures (like I did in Italy). So, until June, this will be one of my last posts. I promise to post so much about my trip that you all get sick of it. ;)

So, here's to fresh air, checking another location off my bucket list, and being grateful for each moment of living this dream; it's definitely a gift!

Let me know if you have any questions about Ireland or tips of things I should see.

Ireland in T-Minus 13 days!

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