Sunday, October 4, 2015

Saying Goodbye to Max

Late summer, I wrote about my family's dog, Max's fight with cancer here. Late August we saw Max struggling more and my parent's took him back to K-State Vet Med, one of the top vet med school's in the country. We found out his liver was shutting down due to the cancer and he had 3-4 weeks left. That hit hard. We started him on 24/7 pain meds.

The good thing about knowing Max had cancer was that we got to shower him with love every day. We cherished every moment with him. Though the vet gave him 3-4 weeks, no one told Max that and he continued to fight with everything he had. How he fought so long, I'll never know. Despite his pain, he still greeted me every day with a wagging tail. He enjoyed time outside in the golden sunlight of fall and being petted.

The beginning of the semester is very hectic for me at work. By mid-September we felt that time with Max was drawing to a close, so I went to work every day and spent every night at my parent's to get more time in with Max and try to help out a little. About two weeks ago, I came home to my parent's and Max didn't seem excited to see me like normal. I attributed it to him being sick, but was still sad. He must've know that I missed his attention, because that next morning he busted into my room and laid next to my bed so I could pet him. Though I was now up much earlier than planned, I was so grateful he sought me out and came to spend time with me. In a nutshell, that's Max; always giving love.

He struggled moving and over time didn't have the strength for his beloved walks. So, my parents chauffeured him around the yard for one last walk. Max was so excited as was Max's brother, Riley.

Early yesterday morning he passed away. I've never been there for the death of a loved one before. It was so hard. I sang to him and he relaxed. We prayed over him, told him how much we loved me, and kissed him. Seeing his breaths stop pierced my heart. While we wanted his pain to end, saying goodbye was unbelievably hard.

We buried him late yesterday morning along his favorite walking trail and where our other precious dog, Franky is buried. I know the road ahead will be hard for my parent's and Max's brother, Riley. Seeing him sniff the box Max was placed in and look sadly at his grave was painful to watch. While we dread life without him, we know he's finally at rest. We will forever miss his beautiful golden smile, his love, and zeal for life. We love you, Max! We're so grateful to God for your beautiful life and for you being in our family! #LoveNeverEnds

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