I always check the gigs section of Craigslist, looking for a safe, quick, legal way to earn some cash. In April, I responded to an ad for someone to read script with people auditioning for roles in a movie that would be shot in Manhattan, KS. I was a little skeptical. I looked up the L.A. based producer and he seemed legit. We talked on the phone and I found that castings would be at a reputable arts center.
The producer wouldn't be at the casting, but the director would. I arrived early as requested and no one was there. Even past the start time the director wasn't there. Meanwhile teenagers with their parents and young adults were all waiting. After calling the producer, the director arrived and we rushed to get everything set up to start.
I checked everyone in and read all the character's lines with those auditioning. Let's just say that reading lines is not as easy as one would think. ;)
The director was a super cool guy in his mid-20s who is from Manhattan, KS, but lives in L.A. He reminded me of my younger cousin.
It was fun seeing everyone's take on the characters they read for and guessing if the director would like them or not.
It was a fun experience getting to make some money and have a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
So, my advice would be: 1) do your research to make sure the gig is legit and 2) ultimately, you should go with your gut, while making sure you feel safe.
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