Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Book: Rise and Grind by Daymond John

Daymond John shares a lot about his childhood, path to success, and current life in his newest book, Rise and Grind. This is the first book of his that I've ever read. I must say the title grabbed my attention. The book also features the stories of famous people and not-so-famous people who've achieved great success in their lives. He shares their steps to success that can be replicated.

The book highlights hard work/grind as a step to success. He urges readers to chase their dreams, to not be content with one job, but to grind and make their dreams happen. His message resonated with me as I've worked since I was a kid. Now, as an adult I grind to make my dreams happen. In addition to my full time job, I work two flexible part time jobs and am always looking for ways to make money. I also, sell clothes and shoes online. The dream is paying off my car, buying a house, traveling more, and getting a puppy. These are the dreams I can control and work towards.

The book is full of great tips for success and inspiring quotes.

It was an easy read and re-inspired me to Rise and Grind.
May we all put in the work to meet our dreams.

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