Saturday, June 20, 2015


StrengthsQuest has been really popular for the last roughly five years. I first took it at my last job. I'd since forgotten what my top five strengths were and recently, for a class I looked up my strengths. It has been really interesting to re-access these after five years. All I feel are still accurate.

StrengthsQuest helps you to know yourself better and it can help you understand what's important to others and essentially how they operate, thus helping you work together better.

My top 5 strengths are: Responsibility, Harmony, Belief, Consistency, and Connectedness. After reading the descriptions for each, I realized how well they do represent me. Also, these happen to be similar qualities to those that I look for in friends. I was initially surprised to see harmony in my top 5. Previously, I hadn't reflected on how important harmony really was to me, but I hate do drama, so it does makes sense.

Here's info on StrengthsQuest. It does cost to complete the accessment, though not too much. What are your strengths?

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