Monday, August 7, 2017

My Adventures with Casper and Archie

I'm a dog person who took on cat and house sitting. I watched two feisty felines named, Casper and Archie.

Day 1

I forgot to put Archie's collar on when she went outside. So, I had to chase her around the yard, calling her name, and trying to put it on her. I'm sure it was a sight to behold.

That same night, I couldn't get her to come in. So, I'm walking around outside with my phone's flash light calling her name. About 12:30 am I spotted her, but she wouldn't come, like I was told she would. So, I went to get her by her collar and she hissed at me. At that point, I just left her outside, with access to the screened-in porch. The other cat, Casper was miserable without Archie. Then at 3:30am he started meowing outside my bedroom door. He was chunky so, food made him happier.

Day 2

Casper again woke me up at the crack of dawn with his incessant meowing. I tried to ignore him and get more sleep.

The cats were allowed to have their collars off in the house, but put back on before they went outside. Well, it looked like they kept losing their collars outside until I realized that with their fluffy fur they already had collars on and were now sporting two collars. Face to palm.

Both cats are gone at bed time, so there I am with my flashlight in the dark calling their names.

Day 3

More of Casper's early rising/meowing, but this time I got ear plugs and they helped. ;)

I forgot that I left the garage door with an attached kitty door open, so another long night of calling Archie and walking around in my PJs with my phone's flash light. Finally around 11pm, I saw glowing eyes. I hoped it was Archie, but had flashbacks to that Visine commercial where the lady accidentally calls in a raccoon thinking it's her cat. Thankfully, it was Archie.

Day 4

Did I mention the morning meowing?

It'd been in the upper 90s and 100s temperature-wise. I came home to poop in the hot screened-in porch...YUCK!

Day 5

M.E.O.W.I.N.G thank God for ear plugs.

In the end, I learned to co-exist with cats and I'm still a dog person. :)

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