Friday, July 3, 2020

Movie #17: Rambo: Last Blood

I have grown up watching all the Rocky and Rambo movies that Sylvester Stallone made. So, obviously I had to see Rambo: Last Blood. Sly is gotten older at this point, so I wasn't sure what to expect. What I ended up with was a movie about Rocky's family and his last fight. I digress, so here's my short synopsis: Rocky lives with his niece and another older female family friend. They live out in the country, have horses, and a barn. His niece is just out of high school. The live near the border. In his spare time, Rocky builds tunnels under their land. His niece wants to go to Mexico and find her dad. Rocky hates the idea, since the guy abandoned her and her mom who died of cancer. She sneaks off and goes to Mexico to see a friend who says she's found Gabrielle's dad. The "friend" seems super sketch. She takes Gabrielle to her dad's apartment. At first he seems happy to see her and then breaks her heart as he speaks harshly about her and her mom. He didn't want to be found. Gabrielle is devastated. Her friend takes her to a club where where Gabrielle's drink is tampered with drugs. Next thing you know, she's being trafficked.

Fortunate for Gabrielle, her uncle figures out she has gone to Mexico, searches out her friend, and finds her jerk dad then beats him up. He then figures out she's been taken and he goes to war against the people who took her. He finds her, breaks her out, and she dies on the way home. he's beyond destroyed. Her aunt is so upset about her death. She packs up and moves out. Meanwhile, Rambo prepares for the bad guys to come. He prepares weapons and many traps.

Here's where all the blood and gore starts. It felt super intense. He triggered the ground to explode around and destroy their vehicles. He rigged pitchforks to spring out of the tunnel walls and made pits with nails for them to fall into. In the end, the bad guys lose and it leads you to believe Rocky dies of his injuries.

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