Wednesday, April 9, 2014

30 Things About Me/Things I've Learned in My 30 Years

1. It's better to have a few close friends than to have a lot of surface-level friendships
2. I need friends who encourage me to be me, not them
3. I have more people in my corner than I realize
4. Now is always the right time to apologize and try to make the relationship right. They may not accept your apology, but it still means something and you still did the right thing.
5. Eating healthy really does make all the difference
6. Any amount of exercise is better than none
7. Laughing really is the best medicine
8. Learn something from every situation; even bad ones. Don't let the lesson be wasted.
9. Sometimes it's okay to open up and let people know you're struggling; we're all human. People appreciate realness.
10. Nothing makes me happier than planning a trip and of course taking that trip ;)
11. Journaling has been a life-saver and helps me process how I'm feeling about things
12. I'm a processor; I need time to process through my thoughts and emotions
13. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is find your voice and stand up for yourself
14. Prayer and my relationship with God get me through each day. He is my Strength!
15. My love language is words of affirmation. Say something sincere and sweet and I'll never forget it. I save e-mails and cards with kind words. On bad days, I reflect on those words.
16. Working out helps me unwind, otherwise I'm tense and a bear ;)
17. You become like your friends, so choose friends carefully
18. Dancing makes me happy
19. I take pride in cooking and baking; I love to try new recipes
20. Sometimes, you just have to laugh at yourself. It's a better alternative to crying.
21. Reading is the next best thing to traveling; it makes me feel like I'm somewhere else
22. I love the feel of the sun on my skin
23. I will cry tears of joy when I finish my Masters; less than 3 years to go now ;)
24. I fall down, but I always get back up. I'm stronger than I think, because I have God in my life.
25. I'm a list maker and get great joy from crossing things off my list
26. I'm a wild woman when I'm on a jet ski; I've gone up to 49 mph after which I've panicked, screamed, and let off the gas!
27. I have killer road rage!
28. Prayer changes everything; especially me
29. Never take your relationships for granted. I have the best friends and family ever!
30. I love naps!!!

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