Thursday, October 30, 2014

Driving Rules

There are some common sense driving rules that people don't understand: the 4 way stop, right of way, and the "thank you" wave.

I live in a college town and am always surprised that people do not understand how a 4 way stop should work. If it's a driver's turn, but a pedestrian is crossing the street in front of them, the driver should be allowed to move as soon as the walker crosses safely. Many times, people just assume that even though the driver has been waiting the longest, they don't get to go. Learn how it works, so you can do it correctly.
Something else that's often confused is right of way.

I'm a big proponent of the "thank you" wave. It's what you do when someone has let you merge into traffic or other driving kindnesses; given you the parking spot, etc. More and more people aren't using it or don't know about it. I think, it's one of the simple common courtesies that should be used. If someone lets me merge in, I wave as I'm merging and wave again once merged to make sure they see that I appreciate their kind gesture. I get really upset when I let people in and there's no "thank you" wave. It feels like they think they're owed the merge or whatever kindness was given. Go the extra mile, give the "thank you" wave. Here's in interesting article I found on the "thank you" wave.

Also, how to drive in a roundabout is so important. I live a tenth of a mile from a roundabout and am often surprised that people don't know how to drive in them. Obviously, you yield to traffic in the circle and when there's a break in traffic you enter. My theory for entering is, "gun it and go;" get in and get moving, no hesitation, etc.

Any thoughts of driving rules?

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