Saturday, September 28, 2019

Finding Peace with Singleness

I have spent my entire life fighting with singleness. How to become un-single (lol) has occupied much of my thoughts; that and my ticking biological timeclock. Surprise, surprise all that worry amounted to NOTHING, but an endless cycle of stress. With each passing birthday, I felt I was missing out on something that may never happen. That thought was devastating. All I dreamt about was a husband and family of my own, but it felt so out of reach. I felt sorry for myself all the time. I felt lame for each night I was at home alone. Overall, I was just super unhappy; that was the last 20 years of my 35 years of life, in all honesty.

While at a Christian women's conference, last month, God changed my mindset about things. I was in a session about my favorite verse, Jeremiah 29:11. The session leader shared her journey of faith. The handout from her session had some key points that started the change in my mindset. The session topic was: God Meets Us Wherever We Are. The description was: "Come and listen as I share how God met me right where I was and how that brought freedom to my life and for the people around me, and can do the same for you." Some of the key points were, 1) "God will meet you and use you right where you are, 2) That will bring you freedom, 3) That will bring freedom to those around you, 4) How is God meeting you where you are?, 5) How is He using you or can use you right where you are?, 6) How can this verse bring you freedom, 7) How can this verse bring freedom to those around you?"

In that session, I realized that in Christ, I am complete and whole. I had been living my life as if I wasn't enough. As if I wasn't a complete, whole person because I'm single. I didn't enjoy my own company, because I wasn't comfortable in my own skin. This new mindset has brought me peace in Christ and in my life. While I still dream of a family, I'm trusting in God's plan and timing for my life. If His plan for me doesn't include a family, God is still good and gracious. I hope that what I shared helps you in your walk with Christ and helps bring His peace to your life and soul.

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