Thursday, September 25, 2014

Career Fairs Tips, Part One

I work in professional development. Sometimes, I assume things are common sense, but they're not.
If you're looking for a job here are some tips:
-Use resume paper. It's a little thicker and nicer, which gives your resume a more professional feel; literally.
-Before going to a career fair, research the companies. Know a stat about them or an award they just received. Most hosts of career fairs will have a list of companies attending.
-Once you get to a career fair, get the map of the booth layout, find a seat and chart what order you'll visit companies in. This saves you some time.
-Have an elevator pitch. Know what you're looking for and be able to articulate that to companies. It should include: your major (if you're still in school), what your job background is or what you're looking for. Also, talk about what skills you bring to the table.
-Email recruiters that you talk with. In my time as a recruiter, less than 1% of people who took my business card would actually write me. When you write, include what you all talked about to help them remember you.
-Don't talk to your dream company as soon as you get there, warm up talking to a few other companies first.
-If you want an interview ask about one. "I hear that you all are offering next day interviews. How would one get an interview?"

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