Sunday, September 14, 2014

Franky, Part 1

The reason I love dogs is because of my very first dog, Franky. I grew up as an only child, kind of lonely. I'd always wanted a dog and somehow came up with the name, Franky despite having a relative with that name. :)

Mom researched dogs at the library; this was long before the internet. She decided we needed a golden retriever since they were great family dogs. My dad adamantly did not want a dog, especially in the house. Mom and I went out to the country to look at some puppies. I remember out of the woods came the mama dog and all these gorgeous puppies. We picked up several by the scruff of the neck to see if they had good dispositions. Somehow, we settled on one, paid the money, and put a collar on him. He wasn't old enough to come home with us, so we had to wait a few weeks.

Dad kept saying that dogs don't belong in the house. Before bringing Franky home, we'd hoped that dad would warm up to the idea of a dog, but he didn't. However, when we brought home Franky Golden Konza we were all goners. That dog changed us all so much.

We got Franky when I was roughly 8. I remember, the first night, we penned him up the kitchen since he wasn't housebroken yet and he cried for his mom and siblings. I slept outside the kitchen and talked to him. He was such a cute puppy.

We had such a learning curve with that poor puppy. Mom and I had never had a dog before. We taught him to sit, come, and stay. He loved chewing on things. I talked to him a lot and I really felt like he understood me. He would chase me around the kitchen and nip at my heels. He'd eat any morsel of fallen food with thanks. He'd bark when someone would come to the door. He made friends quickly and loved licking people. We played out in the snow together.

Soon after we got him, mom found what she thought were tumors all over our sweet, new puppy. She ran and got my dad and it turned out to be lots of deer ticks from his hikes with his mom and siblings in the woods.

Franky was responsible for most of the great memories I have of my childhood.
Via Pinterest:

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