Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I made my New Year's Resolutions pretty late this year.

1. I'm not dating for at least the first four months of the year, maybe all year (it's up to God). I took myself outta the game and deleted myself from the two dating sites I was on. Some I'd been on for roughly 8 years. I realized that those sites were a continual source of disappointment and reminder that here were 5 new matches today that were also not going to work. I really felt prompted by God to get outta the game. Even if I've said in the past that I wasn't trying, I always was. I decided to stop trying. Yes, I still notice cute guys, but I've decided to not worry about things. I'm feeling MUCH more comfortable with turning 31 this year, than I did turning 30. There was something emotional about 30. Maybe it was because I realized I didn't have many/any of the things I'd hope I'd have at 30 (married, house, kids, etc.) It's actually been pretty freeing to quit trying.

2. I'm also making a conscience effort to cut down my Facebook and Pinterest time. Now this one is definitely a work in progress, but I want to be among the people living life versus living it through social media.

3. I've also trying to be careful about what I see and listen to, as you think about what you spend your time on. So, no 50 Shades of Grey or Magic Mike for me. I want to have a pure mind and heart. Definitely challenging!

What I hope to fill my time with because of these changes is 1) God; 2) actually living life through spending time with friends, traveling more, going to movies and concerts; 3) focusing more on school. When I'm not addicted to catching up on on social media every morning, I read a devotional with scriptures (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young) and have time to pray. This keeps me in a positive frame of mind heading into work. I've been making a conscience effort to not text, but call and catch up with friends; actually share life. I've started this and it's been refreshing and so rewarding.

Any thoughts? I'm feeling inspired! Are you? What are your resolutions?

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