Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Crown

With much more free time and boredom over the pandemic, my mom and I quickly got addicted to The Crown. My aunt recommended it, so we took the plunge. Seasons 1 and 2 made us really empathize with Queen Elizabeth and her alienating position. It's hard to believe everything she went through with her plandering husband and wild sister, Margaret. She was so young with so much responsibility.

Season 1

Season 2

These first two seasons also made me come to really respect Winston Churchill and to find him endearing in a way.

Season 3

We were not prepared for season 3. In it were all new actors to represent the now much-older royals. We didn't think the new actors even remotely resembled who they were supposed to. The new queen actually looked like an older version of Margaret. These types of changes need to be made much more thoughtfully.

Season 3 also featured a much less likeable queen. We see her as an uncaring mother. We see Margaret have an affair. We see Winston Churchill pass away. We see Charles meet and fall for Camilla. We see Anne as promiscious. Just a rough season overall.

In the fall, the new season 4 was aired on Netflixs, but I don't have an account, So, now we have to wait until season 4 comes out on DVD. I'm nervous for season 4 since season 3 was so rough. We'll see.

Season 4

Have you watched the Crown? Do you like it?

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