Monday, October 28, 2013

Reasons I'm thankful I'm single

Yes, I know that title doesn't sound like anything I'd ever write, but I am endeavoring to be thankful in each place in life that God has me. Throughout my life I've always looked one step ahead and wished I was there; never stopping to be thankful for where I was. I so wish I would have enjoyed childhood, my teen years, and college more. So here goes:

1. I can eat the same thing three nights in a row and no one comments.
2. I adjust the thermostat to exactly how I like it.
3. I pick my travel destinations. I've been to some amazing places that some people only dream of seeing.
4. I get to spend every holiday with my family. :)
5. No one comments on my deep love of reality TV shows and romantic comedies.
6. Laundry and dishes for one.
7. No one says anything as I polish off a bag of twizzlers (my addiction, all flavors).
8. I don't have to feel guilty for ignoring someone since I study a lot.
9. I can wear pajamas all weekend long and not feel like a slob.
10. No one comments on my mountain of dishes.
11. I can wear tall shoes whenever I want; which generally turns into never, but I could if I wanted to ;)
12. I control the TV remote and can switch between two shows all night long.
13. The walk-in closet is all mine.
14. No one rolls their eyes when I walk in with shopping bags. It's a rarity, I promise.

I'll be adding to this. Any added reasons I'm forgetting?

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