Sunday, March 2, 2014

It's Not You, It's Me by Louie Giglio

The temps on the cold, March Sunday are below zero, so it wasn't wise for me to venture out into the cold to go to church. :( Instead I stayed home and watched a video from Louie Giglio that I hadn't been able to finish some time ago. He made some great points and helped give me perspective. It's mainly about dating and life. Check it out: e He encouraged listeners to do several things:
1) Ask-those close to you for 2-3 things they see in your life that are keeping you from being the person God wants you to be. You can't get mad at them or try to defend yourself.
2) Confirm-if several people agree on the things you should change it must be true. Tell them what others said and see if they agree.
3) Plan-figure out how you're going to work on those things.
4) Act-put the plan in place.
5) Ask again, if the plan isn't working, come up with a new one.

He said something that resonated with me, "the key to becoming is beginning."

I hope you enjoy this video as much as I have. Any thoughts on it?

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