Saturday, January 11, 2014


Every year, we make resolutions. Some we keep for a bit before slipping back into real life. Sometimes, they're changes we really need to make anyway and it being a new year just makes it easier to make a fresh start.

Here's what I've resolved:

-I've decided to let go of some friendships. I've realized that I have several one-way friendships I'm not taking those into the new year. I'm making room in my life for better friendships.
-Lose 1 pound per week. I'm upping my cardio and intensity. As I get older, I find this goal harder, but it still leads to a healthier me, so it's worth pursuing.
-Try new things
-Travel whenever possible
-Soak in and embrace each moment. Time is fleeting.
-Make healthy eating choices
-Do some form of excercise every day
-Read for fun whenever possible
-I realize that I've finally found my voice and I intend to use it. I plan to speak up for myself. In the past, I generally didn't tell people when they'd hurt me, instead I carried it. I've decided to tell people when they hurt me. They can't fix something they don't know about. I'm hoping it helps strengthen my relationships.
-Strive to be closer to God and strengthen my relationship with him

Has anyone made any resolutions? Do we actually ever achieve our resolutions? Here's to good intentions! :)

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